Do you have a Moodle course to translate and don't know where to start? Let us help you.

If you are asking any of these questions, then you came to the right place.

  • Which parts of the course need to be translated (e.g., text content, multimedia, quizzes, interface elements)?
  • Are there built-in translation tools or plugins that facilitate the translation process?
  • How do I export and import course content for translation?
  • Is there a specific format required for the translation (e.g., .po files, .mo files, or other formats)?
  • How do I handle multimedia content in translation?
  • What tools or methods should be used to translate videos, audio, and images with text?
  • How do I ensure the translated course is displayed correctly in Moodle?
  • Are there any special considerations for translating quizzes, assignments, forums, or other interactive elements?
  • How do I ensure the consistency of terminology throughout the course?
  • Is there a glossary or term bank that should be used for consistent translation of key terms?
  • Are there any cultural adaptations needed beyond translation?
  • Does the course content need to be adapted for cultural relevance in the target language?
  • How should I handle examples, case studies, or references that may not translate well culturally?
  • What are the best practices for testing and reviewing the translated course?
  • How will the quality of translation be ensured?

Talk to us. There is NO OBLIGATION. Just enter your information below and we will follow up with an e-mail to find a suitable day and time to connect.

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