Comprehensive Video Translation Services Whether we use Camtasia, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, or any other video editing software, our process remains consistent. We identify and translate all text-based elements, including callouts, subtitles, and closed...
EzGlobe’s clients develop highly sophisticated courses using a number of specific tools, including: Storyline, Camtasia, Captivate, Rise, Moodle + H5p, Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc. The courses are interactive and built in layers, so the compiled file set resembles...
Originally developed as a blogging tool, WordPress evolved to a hosting platform that allows for an easy creation of websites, small or large. It is one of the most established content management systems with more than 60% of the market share; it is used by more than...
Thorough preparation of Madcap Flare source files for use with any coputer-aided translation tool is key. EzGlobe’s proprietary parsers complement the standard translation industry tools and yield translation-friendly files compatible with CAT technology. Read more......
In general, MS Word is not the best file format for localization. While you can be quite creative and give your content a nice look and feel, by introducing too many edits, the underlying code becomes very messy. This has a negative impact on localization. This paper...
While InDesign is an excellent desktop publishing tool for creating content for print or online publishing, in its core, it has a few flaws that affect professional translation and make translation leveraging from one version to another difficult. If you develop...
The English language is quite simple in its grammatical construction (limited conjugation, no gender differences). You can therefore easily build phrases by concatenation. However, it is rare that this will work for other languages. This practice should be avoided in...
Off-Shoring Software Localization
Off-shoring software localization seems to be hot. It appears as everybody is jumping on the bandwagon. But is it really worth the ride? Our advice: “Think before you jump!” Our customers have various off-shoring experiences and stories they are willing to...
Your Guide to Articulate Storyline Localization
Full translation and localization of an Articulate Storyline can be complex and require a special mix of skills and resources. However, there are a few basic principles that apply to every project and the choices you make will either make your project a success or...
The Value of Localization Know-How
Every day we face complex localization jobs and are baffled by how little it is visible to our clients. We realized that while we have a good “know-how” we are very poor at “letting it be known”! For the longest time we thought it was not a problem. Typically...
Helping You Understand Localization
This paper is intended for program managers, project managers, engineering leads, documentation writers or anyone, who will be involved in a localization project. By use of a hypothetical example, the paper describes the process of localization. It breaks down the...
Updating Your Multilingual Website
According to Internet World Stats there are more than 80% Internet users who are non-English speakers. As companies rush to translate their websites to reach these potential customers they often don’t realize the implications a poor architecture and design can have on...
Articulate Storyline: XLIFF Export and Import
According to the Articulate developers: “Storyline lets you export all text in your course to Microsoft Word or XML format (XLIFF). After you’ve translated the text, simply import it back in. Storyline preserves all of your formatting.” This sounds great, and...
Is “Fuzzy Matching” Still Fuzzy to You?
The industry has been experimenting with computer aided translation (CAT) tools since the 1980s. Translation Memory, a reusable database of paired text segments in the source and target language, has emerged as the most practical technology and is widely used today....
It’s All About Context!
A significant number of software applications today are web-based. The user interface strings are held in properties files. Properties files, unlike resource files, for example, do not provide much context or screen layout information. In many cases, this leaves...
Helping You Understand Internationalization
This paper is intended for program managers, project managers, engineering leads, release engineers or anyone, who will be involved in a product or service adaptation for its global deployment. Internationalization is a prerequisite for successful localization and...
Translation Review Process – Simplified
To assure high level of translation quality and industry lingo relevance companies opt for translation review before giving their multilingual content a stamp of approval. While very valuable, this can be a daunting task that can produce questionable results as well...
What We Want Everybody to Know
Why Choose Us?
- VOICE - You have a voice. We listen.
- CONTROL - We help you identify your requirements; we consider your constraints. We show you how, when and at what cost.
- SUPPORT - You have someone to rely on. We propose workable solutions.
- PEACE OF MIND - We tell you what we will do and we do it.
Lisa Colby
Your translation memory technology and its application saved us thousands of dollars and countless hours of work. Our content is highly technical and we appreciate the extra steps you take to produce high-quality translations. You are always very proactive in helping us improve the end quality of our materials – Thank you.
Lisa Colby
Director of Corporate Communications, Hardware and Software development company